Mike Steinkamp – Created

February 3, 2016

What are you going to do with your life?

Chad Tim Tim

December 15, 2015

Professional Skateboarder Chad Tim Tim shares about finding his Heavenly Father!

Costa Rica

December 7, 2015

This past week I got to go to Costa Rica to skate a demo and tell people about Jesus with Jud Heald and John Andrus. It was a fruitful time of ministry and I am so grateful for God using us in ways we could never imagine to reach people in Costa Rica with the Love of Christ!
back tail costa rica eterillos hermosa jaco skate ministry

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Pro Model

November 24, 2015

14 years ago when I started skating I never imagined one day having a skateboard with my name on it…I am so honored and blessed to get my first Pro Model board with Untitled Skateboards! Check out my brand new part right below and go pick up a fresh board at untitledskate.com/products

mike steinkamp pro model untitled skateboards jesus feet

Jon Owens

November 4, 2015

A few weeks before Jon was born his heart stopped beating. Four different doctors told Jon’s mom that she should have an abortion…and that is only the beginning of Jon’s encouraging and motivating story.


October 26, 2015

Most of the time with MS Skate Ministry I never physically get to see the results of the ministry; and that is fine because I know what God has called me too and its not my goal to take credit for God’s work or get glory and praise for things that He chose to do through me. A few days ago though I was in Tennessee speaking when I met my new friend Adam. Adam and his family drove 2 hours to the concert so he could tell me how MS Skate Ministry influenced him to give his life to Jesus. It is so encouraging to hear how God is using us to introduce people to Jesus, and praise God for every opportunity to lead others to Him wether we know about it or not!

“Yesterday I made public my acceptance of God as my savior. And I also told of the man responsible for my new life with Christ. His name is Mike Steinkamp, and last night I was fortunate enough to finally get to meet him. To me it was like meeting a Rock Star. His ministry is what pushed me passed the window shopping phase of a life with Christ. No loger would I merely look through the window. Now I am walking through the door unafraid.
Thank you from the deepest part of my heart Mike Steinkamp. It was truly a blessing to meet you, and thank you for the gift you and your ministry have given me.”

mike steinkamp speaking in Tennessee with OBB All Things New and Shinebright

California with Calling all Skaters

October 26, 2015

Last week I got to go teach at YWAM Los Angeles “Calling all Skaters”. It was so encouraging to get to speak for a week to skateboarders that are activly pursuing a deeper relationship with God every single day. I was so blessed with the time I spent with them, and make sure you stay up to date with Calling All Skaters because God is changing the world through their faithfulness!
calling all skaters LA California shaun hover swam la


October 7, 2015

This is a message of Love that everyone needs to hear.